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Meeting Ibn al-Dawadari, meeting P.M. Holt (12/23/2022)- by Gowaart Van Den Bossche On a 15th of August, likely some time in the mid-1980s, the English historian P.M. Holt took a train from Oxford to London Paddington station. He lived in Oxford and was a lecturer at the… Read more
Burhān al-Dīn al-Biqāʿī: A Controversial Man (5/11/2020)- by Kenneth Goudie I have spent the better part of two and a half years working on how the life and career of Burhān al-Dīn Ibrāhīm b. ʿUmar al-Biqāʿī (809/1406–885/1480), a historian and Qurʾān exegete active in fifteenth-century Cairo, influenced… Read more
Ibn ʿArabshāh: The Itinerant Son Returns (3/18/2020)- by Mustafa Banister “Then, leaving Samarqand, Tamerlane hastened to Syria, taking with him the leaders of his army, and taking delight with that great company, journeyed in the beginning of the year 802/1399, and poured with that deluge from the… Read more
Space, Time, and Movement (in Athens) (10/28/2019)- By Mustafa Banister Space, Time, and Movement (in Athens)[1] “Try to create something original, you’re in for a surprise.” –Bob Dylan[2] Did you know that the Ottomans made the Parthenon into a mosque? Twice actually. The first time- not long… Read more
“Dialogues of Faith and Food” (9/2/2019)- By Zacharie Mochtari de Pierrepont Last February, I was invited to an international conference called « Légendes and Pèlerinages » (Legends and Pilgrimage), organized by Saint Joseph University (USJ), in Beirut. The main thematics of this conference were centered on sainthood, rituals… Read more